Community Services Center » Community Services Center

Community Services Center

Community Services Center Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 3:30PM

**Please note that we might be closed on certain dates/times due to other commitments. Thank you for your understanding!
**Tenga en cuenta que es posible que estemos cerrados en determinadas fechas y horarios debido a otros compromisos. ¡Gracias por su comprensión!

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Edison Middle School Parents' Page

Orangewood Parents' Page

District Education Services Page

District Student Support Services Page

District Transportation Page



Congratulations to our group of parents who graduated from the CAP-K Healthy Living 5 - week course! Thank you for joining us! (picture below)

Congratulations to our PIQE - Family Engagement graduates! These dedicated parents participated in an 8-week Spanish course designed to empower families to play an active role in their child's education. Thank you for your commitment! (picture below)



Brighter Bites


 BB    volunteers


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For any new families that would like to sign up, they can do so through the link below:
**If you need further assistance registering, please call us at the Community Services Center: 661-366-1263


County Resources (All Resources in Kern County)  Phone: 211


Cal-Fresh   (Cash Assistance/Food & Nutrition Services)  Phone: 1-877-847-3663


Health Insurance For Family Coverage (Medical, Dental, Vision)  Phone: 1-800-300-1506


Mental Health Services (Adult and Children)  Phone: 844-360-8250


Foster Youth Services (Up to Age 25)  Phone: 661-636-4488



Community Schools: A California Definition

A community school is any school serving pre-Kindergarten through high school students using a “whole-child” approach, with “an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement.” As a school improvement strategy, community school initiatives enable the local educational agency (LEA) and school to work closely with educators, students, and families to understand and address the unique needs, assets, and aspirations of the school community. Community schools then design their own curricula and programs to support the whole child and partner with community-based organizations (CBOs) and local government agencies to align community resources to realize a shared vision for success. They improve student outcomes by addressing students’ academic, cognitive, physical, mental, and social-emotional needs.
Implementation and Sustainability Plans